Netflix Tales of the City Breaks Canon/New Ground
Maybe this series was always just waiting for Netflix. The first Tales of the City mini-series, which debuted on PBS in 1994, dared…
At SXSW18: The Gospel of Eureka
The Gospel of Eureka might be the most “American” film at SXSW this year, at least in its depiction of the diverse expressions…
The Nashville Statement: Fighting a Losing Battle with the Future
There have been many moves the Church has made over the years to render itself irrelevant. The Roman Catholic Humanae Vitae comes to…
Why I Can’t Condemn Eugene Peterson for His Views on Same-Sex Marriage
Controversy has recently engulfed Eugene Peterson, retired Presbyterian pastor and author of the bestselling Bible translation The Message for his statements about same-sex…
Interview with Stephen Cone, Director of ‘Princess Cyd’
The day after the West Coast and gay festival premiere of Princess Cyd (at Frameline 2017 in San Francisco) writer-director Stephen Cone and…
“59:” A Preview
Contrary to popular belief, Los Angeles and Hollywood aren’t the godless, spiritual wastelands conservatives would have you fear. In fact, away from the…
Signature Move (written by Lisa Donato and Fawzia Miriam and directed by Jennifer Reeder) is the type of film that we need right…