Live from Seattle: Princess Leia’s Bikini!
Back in Seattle for a friend’s wedding and, continuing to wonder if this might be a new home once my swamp exile is…
The Netflix-ization of the Church
Editors’ Note: This article is part of the Patheos Public Square on the Future of Progressive Christianity in America. Read other perspectives beginning…
Remembering Pedro and Sean — and why Marriage Matters
When you teach undergraduates, there are frequent moments that remind you that youth culture has passed you by, and that the “coolness” card…
Popping Collars Part II: “Jesus becomes a monster for us and with us”
My book, Hollywood Biblical Epics: Camp Spectacle and Queer Style from the Silent Era to the Modern Day, dropped yesterday. Get it on…
Richard’s Book Is Here! + Part One of Popping Collars
So the big day has arrived. My book, Hollywood Biblical Epics: Camp Spectacle and Queer Style from the Silent Era to the Modern…
Is the Soul Gendered?
I’ve noticed recently that when you post an article on Facebook, the all-knowing Newsfeed will post three articles below your post – two…
On Mardi Gras with the Mystic Krewe of Apollo de Lafayette
I still don’t believe what I witnessed this past weekend. Blinking my eyes in the daylight, I can conjure memories of feathers, explosions…
Equus: A Review
Richard Lindsay gives us another great review, but this time, he takes us to Broadway with the revival of Equus. Sounds like anyone…