Teorema: God Will Save You from Your Dull Middle-Class Existence
At a dive bar in New Orleans this past January, Ryan and I got together to discuss possibilities for PopTheology.com for the coming…
The Camp and Queer Bible Goes Down Under
On short notice, I was given the opportunity to contribute an introductory essay to an event surrounding an exhibit of Father Michael Morris’…
Religious Baddies
We’re having a little fun here at Pop Theology as Halloween rolls around. This time of year, we celebrate all things monstrous and…
The search for new old, classic horror/thriller films has already paid off this week. After a so-so experience with Cat People and The…
Here Kitty Kitty
It’s October so as much as possible I’m trying to (re)visit some classic horror and thriller films, frequently taking queues from the Turner…
Cecil B. DeMille and Roy’s Rock
In 1958, Malcolm Boyd, an Episcopal priest and former Hollywood writer, soon to be known as author of the bestselling prayer book Are…
The Ten Commandments of 1923: The Exodus, Take One
Richard here. Adding some more wisdom culled from the notes of my dissertation, here’s the account of Cecil B. DeMille’s first foray into…
The First Great Ben-Hur
Richard here. PopTheology.com benefits from the fruits of my dissertation labor. Not everything could have fit into the final draft. So here’s some…
Quo Vadis: Forgotten Classic of the Sword-and-Sandal Genre
Along with The Sign of the Cross (Paramount, 1932) and The Robe (20th Century Fox, 1953), Quo Vadis (MGM, 1951) is one of…